Strong security starts at home

Even though we strongly believe security should be an entitlement for hosting customers, we strongly believe that security starts at home. A hosting provider can have the most secure environment in the world, but if the customer uses weak passwords and out-dated...

Digitial ID’s – Do they inspire more sales?

While our family tries to shop locally, we often find what we need on the Internet. If your business and family is like ours, you are in the same boat. If you have an online business, and want to increase sales, do you have a digital ID (SSL) set up so that the...

Hidden Costs of Choosing a Server Management Team

It’s the age old question when you’re buying almost anything…especially in this economy: Where is that target intersection where price meets quality to determine great value for your dollar? I was recently working with a potential client on an...

WordPress PHP Errors Widget

While we believe security should be an entitlement for Web hosting customers, and that every hosting provider should go above and beyond PCI compliance, I do believe individual site owners should take a level of responsibility, and add another set of eyes as it...

Security Snitching

I think one of the lessons we all learn growing up is that being a snitch — tattling, whistle blowing, etc. — is a bad thing; and that only in the face of death (even if that counts for anything) should you even consider being a snitch. Sometimes I think...

How to create Facebook tabs in WordPress

Just the other day, my wife and I were talking about how various companies took off on the Internet; and how we knew of them (and even did business with them) when they were Internet business babies. I remember when was just books (and mainly books for...