We encourage our managed shared hosting customers to develop new WordPress sites on a subdomain off of their main domain — for example, dev.your_domain_name.com — and test it out, prior to making their site live. So now, you have a fully developed site at... The following WordPress plugins have been tested to work on our servers; and can improve your WordPress designed site / blog: AddThis featuring Sharing Buttons/Facebook Like/Tweet ButtonThis plugin allows you to easily set up buttons at the end of each post, page,... Let’s cover something often missed by WordPress designers, developers, and authors… the .htaccess file as it is not automatically installed as a part of WordPress A .htaccess file (yes, there is a period before the word .htaccess and no, there is no... WordPress and the various plugin authors update their software on a regular basis. Sometimes this can be weekly, and other times once or twice a year. If you host a WordPress site with us, you should make a good habit of logging into your WordPress administrator area...