I recently had the wonderful opportunity to read a well written book by Melinda F. Emerson, Become Your Own Boss In 12 Months. Melinda, who hosts the Small Business Chat on twitter every Wednesday night from 8 PM to 9 PM Eastern Time, focuses on helping people become... Fiduciary is not a word you hear or read often as a small to medium business (SMB) owner. Yet if you are the steward of any size business, fiduciary should be an active word in how you manage your business. How does this relate to trust, security, and your business on... Hopefully you log into your WordPress administration area on a regular basis to see if there are updates (or maybe you are using WordFence or another tool that alerts you). Before you check the check boxes or otherwise press the update button, are you taking the... Welcome back! Last week’s article, There are no wallflowers at the security dance! Get to know your dance partners covered getting to know your security dance partners: If you are the business steward or a part of the management team, you already know the burden... If you have your business on the Internet, you are a part of a line dance. You can chose to be a wallflower, and face the consequences of doing nothing. Or you can get to know your fellow dance partners (maybe picking replacements for ones that no longer fit), and be... Just as more government regulations tend to strangle a small business to death (worse case) or slow its growth (best case), so goes for PCI Compliance standards which add little to no practical value to security. Some house keeping first in terms of going over some...