If you want to accept credit cards online, then you need to be PCI Compliant, whether your business is brand new, or your business been established for centuries. Over the years, we’ve helped various business owners and managers to become PCI Compliant. To those... When it comes to sayings, one of the older ones is “if it looks too good to be true, it probably is!” The hard part when it comes to choosing a hosting provider when you have approximately 32,000 hosting providers in the United States alone tied to various... WordPress 3.3.2 is available now and is a security update for all previous versions. Three external libraries included in WordPress received security updates: Plupload (version 1.5.4), which WordPress uses for uploading media. SWFUpload, which WordPress previously... Most of our customers are small to medium businesses where each employee (sometimes there’s only the owner) wears many hats. In the “new normal” economic climate, our customers often seek to the best ways to be frugal, getting the absolute most value... While authors blog for various reasons, one of the most common factors of blogging is the desire to get the word out. One way to increase your blogging audience is to publish the articles you write on your blog to your Facebook fan page(s) or personal page. Let me... My grandmother helped a lot in raising me from a young boy into a man. One of her idiosyncrasies was telling me frequently she was going to die soon. That started when I was a very young boy, and by the time I was a teenager… it came across like the boy who...