While our family tries to shop locally, we often find what we need on the Internet. If your business and family is like ours, you are in the same boat. If you have an online business, and want to increase sales, do you have a digital ID (SSL) set up so that the... I think one of the lessons we all learn growing up is that being a snitch — tattling, whistle blowing, etc. — is a bad thing; and that only in the face of death (even if that counts for anything) should you even consider being a snitch. Sometimes I think... If your family is like mine, over the last several months, you’ve either heard or participated in discussions about entitlements. For our family, this debate came up with ObamaCare, as well as the US national debt crisis that is still ongoing as of the time... In late June 2011, Citigroup reported that $2.7 million was stolen from several hundreds of thousand accounts. Do you think Citigroup was PCI compliant? Yes, Citigroup is PCI Compliant. PCI Compliance does not mean hacker proof. It just means a higher level of... Would it make sense for some one to tell you a building was being kept secure from trespassers; yet, as you watched, over time, you didn’t see anyone on foot patrolling the area (inside or out), did not see anyone watching monitors (where there even cameras... More and more merchants are being faced with the requirement to be PCI Compliant in order to avoid recurring banking fees that increase like a snow ball that starts off very small at the top of a hill, and eventually is large enough to knock down a house by the time...