Over the years, we’ve really enjoyed the various projects created by Ryan MacDonald in terms of helping our customers have more reliable and more secure servers. One of the projects we consistently use and recommend is Ryan’s Advanced Policy Firewall by... One of the worst things to go through as a Managed Hosting Provider is to get calls and support tickets from clients sharing various services are down when visually everything appears to be up and running. The client might be stating mySQL is down along with providing... Dynamic Net, Inc. is a company founded on the principals of being a follower of Jesus, the Messiah, Savior, Lord, and King of Kings. One of the challenges we face day to day is maintaining a Biblical view of life. In a daily perspective, one of the questions we ask... “Anything that can possibly go wrong, does.” — One of Murphy’s Laws. You know it happens to everyone; you just don’t know when, how, who will be involved, what it will cost, etc. But when Murphy’s Law strikes, at least in the... It’s the age old question when you’re buying almost anything…especially in this economy: Where is that target intersection where price meets quality to determine great value for your dollar? I was recently working with a potential client on an... I think one of the lessons we all learn growing up is that being a snitch — tattling, whistle blowing, etc. — is a bad thing; and that only in the face of death (even if that counts for anything) should you even consider being a snitch. Sometimes I think...