Have you ever taken a sales call where you absolutely knew you could solve the prospective customer’s pain for a reasonable investment (that in the long run would actually save them money), only to have them drop their mouth to the floor and complain your... We currently co-locate a small number of servers for off site backup as well as anti-spam appliances; this is part of our Think Local initiative. Just after ceremony of our daughter’s graduation from culinary school, I was paged with the message the Internet... Most small business stewards provide customer service as well as receive customer service as part of wearing many hats. I really appreciate being on both ends of giving and receiving as each encounter is an opportunity to learn, to adapt, to change, and to improve.... More and more Web designers, IT (LAN, WAN, computer networking, computer repair) companies, and SEO (search engine optimization and search engine marketing) firms are offering Web hosting services to supplement their income. Some of this companies do so from a... I would like to share with a recent, real life, story of what happens to small businesses when there is little to no documentation. I’m hoping to encourage you to review the documentation standards you have set forth for your small business; and potentially to... I recently had the wonderful opportunity to read a well written book by Melinda F. Emerson, Become Your Own Boss In 12 Months. Melinda, who hosts the Small Business Chat on twitter every Wednesday night from 8 PM to 9 PM Eastern Time, focuses on helping people become...