Linux Socket Monitor by R-fx Networks is a good, automated, tool to let you know if an application is creating TCP and UDP sockets. The caveat we’ve experienced over the years is that when you receive an LSM alert that might involve malicious malware or hacker... If the Internet is the super information highway, then what other analogies can we make? Frame of reference Analogy The Internet Information Superhighway Your ISP Vehicle on the road YOU The driver of the vehicle Web sites Buildings Email addresses House or business... I would like to share with a recent, real life, story of what happens to small businesses when there is little to no documentation. I’m hoping to encourage you to review the documentation standards you have set forth for your small business; and potentially to... Fiduciary is not a word you hear or read often as a small to medium business (SMB) owner. Yet if you are the steward of any size business, fiduciary should be an active word in how you manage your business. How does this relate to trust, security, and your business on... Welcome back! Last week’s article, There are no wallflowers at the security dance! Get to know your dance partners covered getting to know your security dance partners: If you are the business steward or a part of the management team, you already know the burden... If you have your business on the Internet, you are a part of a line dance. You can chose to be a wallflower, and face the consequences of doing nothing. Or you can get to know your fellow dance partners (maybe picking replacements for ones that no longer fit), and be...